You can help in many ways

Be a part of founding the new Stupa Center by making purchase of the property possible.

Become a volunteer

Everyone is welcome to participate in the projects and activities at the center. Volunteers can stay overnight in the extra volunteer rooms. There are many different activities that call for help:  cooking, gardening, building stupas, printing prayerflags, publicity, maintenance and more. Of course there will also be time to enjoy the beauty of the place and surroundings.  A volunteer stay of several months full-time or a few days per week during a longer period is possible. 


Become a resident

The center will house a residential community of 4-7 permanent residents and 2-3 part-time residents.  The residents will be responsible for managing the center, together with the WPSCE board and a group of regular and occasional volunteers. There will be central cooking and dining, and every morning there will be meditation and Kum Nye for residents, volunteers and guests alike. We still have some room available for seriously motivated residents. Is that you? Please send us an email and the WPSCE board will be in touch.

Register for our programs

Starting september 2025 The World Peace Stupa Center will be offering a rich array of weekend programs for an interested new audience as well as longer retreats and projects for Buddhist practioners and the European Nyingma sangha.


Bring your colleagues

In partnership with Minding Work, the World Peace Stupa Center offers an inspiring place for a 1 to 3-day meeting with your colleagues, including catered meals and the option to stay overnight. You can also visit for a midweek mini-sabbatical, with a personalized program for individual or group personal development or stress relief.


Spread the word

Staying at the center can benefit many, …. if they know about it! By sharing your enthusiasm about the center in conversations or via social media, you make an important contribution!

Please suggest to your friends to register for our newsletter to hear about our offerings.